Friday, February 13, 2009

The new knit and crochet connection

This week has gone by quickly. Today I've spent most of my time in my bedroom crocheting the scrap blanket from the previous entry while listening to The Janson Directive by late author Robert Ludlum. I'll probably get more of his books because they have a pleasing amount of action in them. He was the creator of The Bourne Identity. I'll have to get that one for sure.

Above are the items that I received from my West Virginian Rockford Crochet partner for January's exchange. Two 6" squares, a cotton dishcloth, hat and bookmark. They are at my computerless friend Kathy's house at the moment. They'll return home on the 16th.

I converted the bookmark into a refrigerator magnet by gluing on magnetic tape with Tacky Glue. The peel 'n' stick adhesive didn't adhere well enough.

On February 6th I started a new Yahoo! group for knitters and crocheters. It's called Stephenson County Knit & Crochet Connection. I'm still getting the word out about it through flyers and business cards.

You can read the description about it here:

Today I approved the first member so now there are officially 2 members!

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