Sunday, September 14, 2008

A variegated hunch

I wanted to see what Red Heart variegated yarn "Monet" looked like knit up so I made a pocket-sized swatch in garter and stockinette stitches on size 10 needles. The stockinette stitch is just right for bringing out the beauty of this yarn. I don't know what else I'll make with the rest of the skein. Probably something that I'll try to sell, donate or gift to someone since those colors are not my personal taste. I just had a hunch that yarn would look good knitted up.

A Country Peach & Copper Cream shawl that I made earlier in the year. Double crochet and crossed double stitches for the CP main body. Half double for the CC edging. Turned out out lovely.

Deliciously soft acrylic and nylon Red Heart Plush Chocolate yarn worked up in hdc crochet resulted in this scarf. I made another one in red which I'll be offering for sale. I got a good deal on Red Heart Plush one time when I spotted it in Walmart's clearance aisle for $2.00 a skein. Normally priced $4.88 per 6 oz. skein. I have plans to make a matching tam and scarf set for myself with the three skeins of black.

It's a another rainy day today in a series of rainy, rather warm days. So far I plan on finishing the Lullaby double crochet blanket that I've been working on. I have it in mind to start a couple knitting projects. I know I want to use my dark Grey Heather yarn in a rib stitch. Also thinking about making a set of four dish or washcloths in garter stitch (because I don't want to have to think too hard or pay too much attention) with one of the variegated yarns that I have. I can't wait to see what happens!

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