Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Swiss roots celebration

On Sunday I attended the Cheese Days festival in Monroe, Wisconsin. Attending events with large crowds is something that I generally try to avoid, but I was motivated by my desire to see the crafts.

Believe this building is called Rathskeller Inn and Turner Hall bowling alley.

There was a man performing songs on stage. First time hearing a yodeler live.

Looked the craft booths. I didn't notice any booths with handmade knitted items if there were any. Three booths featured crocheted items.

Crocheted scrubbies and hanging kitchen towels from the same booth.

What I learned from the experience was to bring my own food the next time I attend such an event. Seriously considering acquiring a baby stroller to push my stuff around in. There were many strollers being pushed by attendees, but they all contained children.

To learn more about Green County Cheese Days, go to this site:

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